How to Recognize Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer often occurs in the small or large intestines or even in the rectum or colon


The word colon cancer is sometimes used to refer to both colon and rectal cancer. The large intestine is located between the rectum and the small intestine.


The word colon cancer refers to any cancer that develops in the lining of the intestines. The colon is actually a pouch-like organ that connects the small intestines to the stomach.


What causes colon cancer? There are many factors that can cause colon cancer. One of these factors is a poor diet. If you eat junk foods or fatty foods on a regular basis you may increase your risk of developing colon cancer. A lack of fiber can also increase your risk of developing colon cancer.


What are the symptoms of colon cancer? If you have colon cancer, you may experience some of the following symptoms. You may have loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.


When should you seek medical help for colon cancer? Should you take immediate action if you feel like you might have colon cancer? If you notice any of these symptoms, you should go to the nearest emergency room or doctor's office and get tested for colon cancer. Even if you do not have these symptoms, it is always helpful to have a colon exam.


If you are diagnosed with colon cancer, what treatment options are available? If you have colon cancer, it is very likely that your doctor will recommend surgery as one of the treatment options. If your doctor decides surgery is your only option, you may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics are often prescribed to kill bacteria that may be in the lining of the colon.



Other treatment options include the use of radiation to remove the infected cells from the colon


This is usually done through laparoscopy or endoscopic removal of the colon. Chemotherapy may also be prescribed to kill the bacteria in the lining of the colon. However, this form of treatment can have negative side effects.


Colon cancer is a disease that affects a large number of people each year. Your doctor is the best person to determine if you are a victim of colon cancer.


The symptoms of colon cancer can vary and they can be embarrassing if you don't know how to tell them from other illnesses. You may find that if you experience any of the following symptoms they are indicating that you might have colon cancer.


  •  Weight loss: If you lose weight the problem is probably related to your digestive system. It may be possible to reverse the weight loss by changing your diet and eating healthier foods. If you want to prevent this condition, you should limit the amount of starchy foods that you eat. and eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar.
  •  Blood loss: If you lose weight the problem can be because of a lack of nutrients in the body. If you drink more water you will lose weight as well. If you experience blood loss, you should drink plenty of water to flush out waste and toxins from your body.
  •  Pain: If you experience bowel pain it is usually a symptom of a problem. If your pain is constant or occurs suddenly, you should consult with your doctor. The most common type of colon cancer pain is perianal pain. This pain is felt in the anus and rectum.


These symptoms are not the only symptoms of colon cancer and if you experience any of these symptoms you should contact your doctor immediately. They can help you determine if you need to have a colonoscopy, an x-ray, or if there is something else going on that you don't know about.

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