Curly Kale Sauce Blanche

Ingredients for four people:

Curly Kale 300gr
Four eggs
Corn flour (3 table spoons)
Oil (grape seed oil is a healthy choice)
Soya milk (300ml)
Suggested herbs and spices: sprinkle of paprika and parsley.
Preparation time: 15min
Cooking time: 10-15 min


  • Steam or simmer the kayle for several minutes until thoroughly tender. Salt.
  • Prepare the hard boiled eggs (10 min in boiling water)
  • For the sauce blanche:

Mix the corn flour with the oil and had the soya milk. Salt. Heat at low temperature constantly mixing until ebullition point, remove from heat. This should now have the consistency of a sauce and be smooth.

  • Serve and decorate with herbs and spices.

Kale is a very handy ingredient for seasonal eaters as it is one of the few green vegetables that is more abundant and flavourful during the coldest months of the year. It can be substituted for cabbage or spinach and makes a fine side dish when blanched and sautéed with garlic (a sprinkling of chopped, roasted nuts is a lovely addition). It also makes an excellent ingredient in hearty, warming soups such as Scotch Broth and the traditional Portuguese dish Caldo Verde..

Kale is a nutritionally rich food containing: vitamins A, C and E, a substantial mineral content including manganese, iron, calcium and potassium, phytochemicals such as sulphoraphane.