In order to ascertain the benefit of the biomedical intervention proposed at ATT, we designed an evaluation questionnaire covering a range of possible positive and negative outcomes and characterising the intervention conducted.

A total of 100 families responded to the evaluation questionnaire. Ninety two percent (92%) had followed a biomedical intervention. 33% of these had also followed an ABA programme, and 15% of them a Son-Rise home programme.

Of the families undergoing a biomedical intervention, 90% followed a gluten-free casein-free diet and 58% received methyl-cobalamin (MB12) in subcutaneous injection forms.

The overall benefit reported were for 41% of the families rated as being very good, for 34% as being of moderate benefit, for 11% as being of mixed benefit, and for 14% as having unclear or not benefit (Figure 1). Therefore, overall 75% of the families reported a moderate or very good outcome.

Figure 1: Overall benefit of the Biomedical Intervention.

The families who reported a very good overall outcome indicated improvement in all scored areas. The highest were improvements in gut health (68% of the families reported good improvement), and in understanding of language (68% of the families reported good improvement) (Fig. 2). Whilst all areas were rated as showing good level of improvements for more at least 50% of the families, the areas that showed a comparatively lesser level of good report were socialisation, behaviour and the immune system (Fig.2).

Figure 2: Families reporting a very good overall outcome, reported improvements rated either as Good (blue), Moderate (red), Mild (green), or no improvements (purple) in areas of communication, socialisation, behaviour, cognition, awareness, as well as gut and immune health.

Families who rated the overall improvement to be moderate reported overall improvements (rated as good, moderate or mild) across all areas, with a similar trend to the families reporting overall very good improvements (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Families reporting a moderate overall outcome, reported improvements rated either as Good (blue), Moderate (red), Mild (green), or no improvements (purple) in areas of communication, socialisation, behaviour, cognition, awareness, as well as gut and immune health.

Twenty found percent (24%) of the families had conducted the biomedical intervention for 2-3 years, with slightly over 20% of the families running the programme for more than 3 years (Fig.4).

Figure 4: Duration of the Biomedical intervention for the questionnaire respondents